Sally Smith
Sally founded The Nexus Fund in 2012 to build and strengthen the global community to end mass atrocities. She also serves as the inaugural co-chair of the Conflict and Atrocity Prevention Funders Working Group, a joint project of the Peace and Security Funders Group and the International Human Rights Funders Group.
Prior to her work with The Nexus Fund, Sally managed the Sudan Now campaign, led by Humanity United and six other major anti-genocide and human rights organizations. She also worked on advocacy for Sudan and South Sudan through the Enough Project to End Genocide and Mass Atrocities at the Center for American Progress. Since 2003, Sally has worked for numerous campaigns, foundations and nonprofit organizations, including the Partnership for Public Service, Obama for America, Nick Lampson for U.S. Congress, Walmart Watch, EMILY’s List, and more. She has written pieces for the Washington Post and is an alumnus of EMILY’s List Campaign Corps.
Originally from Texas, Sally graduated Magna Cum Laude from Rollins College and is currently pursuing a mid-career Masters in International Public Policy at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, with a focus on Conflict Management.