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David Bloomgarden

David Bloomgarden is Chief of the Inclusive Cities unit of the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) of the Inter-American Development Bank.   He currently manages a $20 million program of loans, equity and grants to support urban innovation and climate adaptation through PPPs, social enterprise and small businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean.  Between 2005 and 2014 he headed a PPP early stage advisory program for the IDB that supported over $2 billion in PPP transactions.  Before coming to FOMIN in 2005, he was Deputy Director of the Office of Multilateral Development Banks in the U.S. Treasury Department where over 18 years he acquired extensive expertise in the development and oversight of multilateral development bank policies and programs and served as technical advisor to the US Directors on the Boards of Director in the African Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and served as Board member of the International Fund for Agriculture and Development. 

Entrepreneurs and Innovator Focus

The summit will have a open forum discussion from some of our speakers and members of the leadership committee at 5pm in the exhibit hall. Come on over to the exhibit hall then and speak with some of our vendors and exhibitors who offer products and serivces for startup companies, new business sources and retailers. Refreshments including light snacks, wine, beer and coffee will also be served!